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Pinnacles National Park 2023 - Day 02

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Start Location: Biggs Junction, OR
Ending Location: Klamath Falls, OR
Miles Today: 304
Trip Miles: 554
States Visited: 2
National Parks Visited: 1
Low Temp: 53.2° F
High Temp: 74.2° F
Min Elevation: 225'
Max Elevation: 5936'

Route Map:


So today did not work out quite as expected. We got a relatively early start and the weather was very pleasant - although pretty windy. We climbed quickly from the Columbia River and there was very little traffic until we got to Bend. Although not as scenic as yesterday, it was very pleasant. We got a few rain drops before Bend and decided to put on rain gear which was a good idea. A little ways outside of Bend it rained very hard. It only lasted for several miles but at times there was very little visibility. Unfortunately there was really no place to pull over, that would have probably been more dangerous than just following everyone else at a safe distance.

The traffic definitely picked up after Bend but never really slowed us down. We had planned on taking a side trip to Crater Lake since we had some extra time and it would only add about 25 miles to the trip. Unfortunately we had ridden almost 15 miles off our route when we ran into a backup that stretched for miles and appeared to be all the way into the park and maybe inside the park as well. We inched along in the backup for a while but eventually decided that, even if we got into the park, it would be an uncomfortable trip with thousands of people and crammed parking lots. On top of that we had been to the park several times in the past so we turned around and headed to Klamath Falls and our hotel for the night.

Tomorrow we head for Yuba City, CA - about 300 miles.
