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White Sands NP 2024 - Day 02

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Start Location: Pendleton, OR
Ending Location: Burley, ID
Miles Today: 382
Trip Miles: 696
States Visited: 3
National Parks Visited: 0
Low Temp: 52.2° F
High Temp: 85.4° F
Min Elevation: 1328'
Max Elevation: 4311'

Route Map:


Today was another unremarkable day. We got an early start with sunny but slightly cool weather. It was amazing how little traffic there was on the roads. The only real exception was Boise but that didn't last too long. We were on I-84 all day and there were numerous construction sites along the way but no delays or backups. Not very many pictures because there was not much interesting to see.

The most interesting thing was that we ran into two motorcyclists at different rest areas that were from Washington. The first was a couple from Steilacoom heading to Texas and the second was a gentleman from Whidbey Island on a Harley Trike heading for Phoenix. We had very nice conversations with both of them.

We are staying in Burley, ID this evening and there is the greatest density of restaurants - mostly national brands - that we think we have ever seen within just a short walk.

Tomorrow it's off to Green River, UT.
