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Pinnacles National Park 2023 - Day 06

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Start Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Ending Location: Garberville, CA
Miles Today: 197
Trip Miles: 1493
States Visited: 3
National Parks Visited: 2
Low Temp: 54.6° F
High Temp: 87.5° F
Min Elevation: -4'
Max Elevation: 1905'

Route Map:


I'm writing this the next day so I've probably forgotten everything we did yesterday already. Like the previous day, we started by heading west, this time from Santa Rosa, to meet with Highway 1 which runs along the coast and stayed on 1 for most of the day.

Traffic was very light, the skies were overcast most of the day and the temperature was fairly cool until 3:00 when it rose farly quickly. It was misting a little when we left Santa Rosa so we put on rain pants in the morning and then just left them on the remainder of the day.

The PacificCoast is interesting, there are lots of pullouts where you can get close to the ocean and plenty of faciliies at those stops. We also saw a ton of Highway Patrol officers both in cars and on motorcycles.

Eventually we met with Highway 101 which took us into Garberville where we spent the night.

Before leaving in the morning I cycled the connector for the logger on and off multiple times to attempt to clean off the contacts. That seemd to work because the logger kept working all day.

Tomorrow it's on to the Avenue of the Giants and the Redwoods National Park.
