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White Sands NP 2024 - Day 07

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Start Location: Farmington, NM
Ending Location: Panguitch, NM
Miles Today: 363
Trip Miles: 2496
States Visited: 7
National Parks Visited: 1
Low Temp: 70.8° F
High Temp: 95.2° F
Min Elevation: 3825'
Max Elevation: 7462'

Route Map:


Today we were only in New Mexico for around 60 miles which was a good thing. The roads were terrible and, on top of that, there were three construction sites where there was only one lane open and you had to wait for a pilot car to lead you through. Once we entered Arizona and the Utah, the roads were vastly improved. I think this may have been the first day when we were not on an Interstate for at least part of the time. With this being the start of the weekend, and a holiday weekend at that. you could definitely notice more cars on the roads and lots more motorcycles. Even so I wouldn't call the traffic heavy.

We passed through Shiprock, NM which we remembered from out Four Corners Trip back in 2005. We also passed by the Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell although we never really got a good view of the full lake. Later this afternoon we did a drive-by of the Grand Staircase Escelante National Monument.

We got a little rain in Kanab, UT and then a few scattered showers from their to our final destination but never got very wet. We are staying in a Quality Inn which is actually located in Panguitch, UT. The Inn is about 18 miles from Bryce Canyon National Park and 50 miles from Zion so our current plan is to stay here 3 nights. We will go to Bryce tomorrow, Zion the next day, and then head for home.

I forgot to mention in yesterday's write up that we had a bit of a scare when we left our hotel in the morning. I have a volt meter and ammeter on the bike so I can keep track of the charging system and battery. In normal riding, the battery voltage is 14.1 to 14.2 volts and the charging current is right around 7 amps. Suddenly the battery voltage was 13.75 and the charging current was around 18 amps. I assumed it would settle down, but after 20 miles, it hadn't changed at all. I checked the heat controls for my grips and our vests to see if they had gotten inadvertently turned on but they were all off. Then I remembered the fog lights, which I'm nor sure I have ever used, and they had gotten accidentally turned on. After turning them off, the voltage and current immediately went back to the normal range. This was definitely a relief. I had visions of having to find a battery and change it out in a hotel parking lot - not a job I was looking forward to.

We ate at a local pizza restaurant tonight and we may be back there again - it was very good.
