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White Sands NP 2024 - Day 06

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Start Location: Alamogordo, NM
Ending Location: Farmington, NM
Miles Today: 391
Trip Miles: 2133
States Visited: 6
National Parks Visited: 1
Low Temp: 70.3° F
High Temp: 89.8° F
Min Elevation: 4315'
Max Elevation: 7401'

Route Map:


Today was a grind - almost 400 miles and pretty windy much of the way as well as being in the 80's most of the day. It was hard not to get overheated and dehydrated. Much of the route was on country roads with very few places to stop. I think we saw only one traditional rest area all day. We actually ate lunch sitting on the ground in the shade of a gas station that had porta potties for rest rooms. I think we may have been on a reservation.

Speaking of roads, New Mexico has a few peculiarities compared to other states. Most states we have been in have separate speed limits for cars and trucks. It appears that New Mexico has one speed for both - normally 70 or 75 MPH. Also, when a road develops a significant bump, for some reason, instead of repairing the bump it appears that they just put up a sign that says simply "BUMP". We also saw several signs that said "DAMAGED GUARDRAIL AHEAD" - some of the bumps were significant. You would think that they would repair the guardrail, especially since it's sort of a safety issue.

One of the things we saw today was a huge array of solar panels. We tried to get a couple of pictures but they were just too far off the road to get a decent shot. I also saw what appeared to be a memorial, apparently for someone who died on a motorcycle accident. It was a cross and an actual motorcycle painted all white. We went by too fast and it was just too hard to go back and get a shot. That's part of the problem with taking photos from a moving motorcycle. Besides the fact that you seldom have time to turn the camera on when you see something, there's the issue of not really being able to see the display. You just have to point in the general direction and shoot. Linda does pretty well all things considered.

Today was day 6 and, since we take 6 days worth of clothes, it was laundry day when we got in this afternoon. If we make it back in 6 or maybe 7 days we should be okay for the remainder of the trip.

Tomorrow we head for Bryce Canyon National Park. Unfortunately it looks like it will be another ride like todays. We had planned to stay at a hotel very close to the entrance but it was full so we are about 20 miles west of the park which is not really a big deal. We'll check in late tomorrow afternoon and then drive to the park Sunday morning and be able to spend the day in the park and hopefully do at least one hike in the hoodoos. We may actually stay an additional day and drive to Zion for the day since it will only be about 50 miles.
