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White Sands NP 2024 - Day 04

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Start Location: Green River, UT
Ending Location: Grants, NM
Miles Today: 390
Trip Miles: 1456
States Visited: 6
National Parks Visited: 0
Low Temp: 62.0° F
High Temp: 86.9° F
Min Elevation: 3966'
Max Elevation: 7293'

Route Map:


Today featured moderate temperatures all day. We almost finished the day at the same temperature we started out from. We started the ride with 20 miles on I-70 and finished with 60 miles on I-40. In between we were on US 191 and US 491. Both roads were 2 lane highways for the most part with a speed limit of 65 and passing lanes ever 5 to 8 miles. The traffic was mostly low to non-existent. The scenery in Utah was spectacular as always but not quite as good in Colorado and New Mexico but we were definitely spoiled by Utah.

My biggest complaint was the roads in New Mexico. They are really bad, like jarring your fillings bad. And speaking of bad roads, I-40 has more trucks than cars. Linda counted for a 20 mile stretch and there were 26 more trucks than cars. We ran into a brief rain shower and the splash from all the trucks forced us to take refuge under an overpass. The rain only lated 5 minutes or so and then it dried up as quickly as it started.

We had a short, pleasant walk to a Denny's for dinner but, by the time we were ready to head back, it was raining and the wind was blowing very hard. The joys of road trips.

Tomorrow it's off to White Sands National Park.
