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National Parks - 2010 Trip - Day 1

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Start Location: Everett, WA
Ending Location: Coeur d'Alene, ID
Miles Today: 320
Trip Miles: 320
States Visited: 2
Provinces Visited: 0
Low Temp: 56.6° F
High Temp: 94.7° F
Min Elevation: 4'
Max Elevation: 4058'

Route Map:


Well we're a day late with the first days map and write-up.  We spent 3 hours trying to get the web page up and running and finally gave up and went to bed.  We are using a new computer and running a new operating system as well as using new versions of 3 different programs that we use to create the web pages.  I tried all of the pieces before we left to make sure they worked individually but never actually created a completed web page.  Ultimately the problem ended up being with a beta version of the program I use to edit the actual pages.  I went back to a stable version and all is well finally.

The ride was pretty uneventful yesterday.  I think the most interesting thing we saw was a dead moose in the back of a pickup truck - at least we think it was dead.  Other than that, it was a pretty typical first day except for the fact that we didn't leave in the rain.  The weather  started out nice and stayed nice all day.

We stayed in Coeur d'Alene with hundreds of other bikers.  There was a HOG (Harley Owners Group) rally in town and there were Harleys everywhere.  You could pick us out easily - we were the ones wearing helmets.

Time to work on the Day 2 page.
