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3 Flags - Day 2

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Start Location: Ponderay, ID
Ending Location: Browning, MT
Miles Today: 301
Trip Miles: 681
States Visited: 3
Low Temp: 46 degrees
High Temp: 64 degrees
Min Elevation: 1842'
Max Elevation: 6645'

Route Map:

Today began a bit on the cool side, relatively speaking. It was 55 degrees, but no rain (or snow). It's off to Glacier National Park. The skies were rather threatening, but never opened up. We did stop midmorning to once again don our rain gear, but this time it was for warmth.

If we hadn't seen the "Welcome to Montana" sign, we could tell by the speed limit. Here we were on a 2 lane state highway (Rt 2) and the speed limit is 70!!! Within a mile, we started seeing these white crosses on the side of the road. I started counting them, and gave up after about 20 miles. We didn't have enough fingers and toes between us. It was most disconcerting.

The scenery was beautiful, but the many lakes we saw were not very inviting. It was not getting any warmer. Fifty five degrees may not sound all that cold, but you have to remember that we were traveling at 60+ mph and the wind chill was a major factor. I didn't even want to think about calculating it. If Jason had been with us, I am sure he would have. While we were eating lunch I tried to focus on the "Going to the Sun" road in the park. I figured it will be sunny from its name, and the sun in warm, so I will be warm. Bob told me to just keep thinking that! At this point my hands were shaking so badly that I could hardly hit my mouth with my food.

We made it to the park and the views were spectacular. It was all that we remembered and then some. If you have never visited here, put it on your list of places that are a must to see. The sun came out and I was thinking positive thoughts. Maybe it will warm up -- or not. It didn't last more than a couple of minutes. As we approached the visitor center it started to snow -- or so I thought. Bob assured me that it was only hail. It only lasted for a short time and didn't prevent us from enjoying the views from the pass. Just when we thought it couldn't get any more magnificent, we went around another bend and were awestruck all over again. As we traveled down the east side of the park, the sun finally made a lasting appearance.

We are in Browning, MT on the Blackfoot Indian Reservation. There is one motel and nothing else around for miles. We asked if there was high speed internet anywhere in town and I wish you could have seen the look we got. So for tonight, we are stuck with dialup. The next time that we can get a high speed connection, we will post more pictures from Glacier. Bob decided that after only 2 days he had to get some of the dust off the bike. It was filthy. Eastern Washington really left its mark. We had some of the same high winds today, but not the dirt. There's always something to be thankful for. Trisha, I know that sentence ends with a preposition!
