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Bismarck/Mandan 2024 - Day 01

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Start Location: Everett, WA
Ending Location: Lewiston, ID
Miles Today: 335
Trip Miles: 335
States Visited: 2
National Parks Visited: 0
Low Temp: 56.6° F
High Temp: 88.8° F
Min Elevation: 11'
Max Elevation: 3011'

Route Map:


Well the first day of another trip is complete. We started out in a light drizzle and it rained on and off until we went over the pass and then the skies brightened and we didn't have any rain after that.

Our first stop was at a rest area on I90 about 100 miles from home. We were really surpised - the rest area was packed with people. There had to be at least 50 to 75 cars and all of the associated people. Linda had to wait in line for the women's restroom for about 20 minutes No line at the men's restroom.

Once we got off I90 in Vantage, we were probably going 60 to 65 MPH for the remsainder of the ride and got really good gas mileage for a trike. We got over 200 miles on the second tank of gas and still had about a half a gallon left in the tank. It's surpirising how bold you can be when you know you still have a gallon of gas in the trunk.

We didn't see anything elase very interesting or that we hadn't seen before. We got into Lewiston at 5:00.
