4 Corners - Final Statistics

Well we're done but what trip would be really complete without a bunch of statistics that nobody really cares about. So here goes.

Total Trip

Total Days 33
Days on the Road 30
Total Miles 11,059
Miles/Day on Road 368.2
Low Mileage Day 211
High Mileage Day 528

4 Corners Portion

4 Corners Miles 6918
4 Corners Days on Road 20
4 Corners Miles/Day 345.9

Gas and Mileage

Total Gas Stops 71
Total Gallons 279.147
Total Gas Cost $794.22
Average Miles/Gallon 39.61
Average Cost/Gallon $2.845
Low Cost/Gallon $2.339 - Roanoke, VA
High Cost/Gallon $3.359 - Hornbrook, CA (not including Canada)


Total States Visited 35
Total Provinces Visited 3
Lowest Temperature 48°
Highest Temperature 112.3°
Lowest Elevation -123'
Highest Elevation 10,498'
Days With Some Rain 4
Baseball Bats Under the Bed 1
Mornings Without Hot Water 1

Web Statistics

Web statistics can be really tricky. Most people talk about 'hits'. The problem with hits is that if you open a site like our main 4 Corners Page, the 4 corners image is also loaded as well as the image of the background texture - so you get 3 hits for the one page. If you want to know more than you care to about this subject, see this link for info on web site statistics. For our purposes we will look at visits even though we acknowledge that it may not be perfect.

This chart shows the year to date stats for our site:

stats (74K)

As you can see, we had 741 visits during the August/September time frame. Not sure if that's good or bad - it just is. Here are the statistics by day for those two months.

AugustDaily (40K)

SeptemberDaily (29K)

The interesting thing here is that we had the most visits on August 23 and 24 and September 1 and 2. I'm not sure why but I'm pretty sure it's not too important.

We were thinking about a favorite road for the trip but couldn't really come up with one road. The best we could do is list several:

Well I guess that's about it. I hope everyone enjoyed reading about the trip and following along as we went. I know we had a great time doing the trip as well as taking the pictures and doing the writeup each night. We can't wait for the next trip. Although we don't have a specific trip in mind yet, this trip has certainly given us plenty of ideas for future trips.
