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Four Corners - Day 19

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Start Location: Marietta, GA
Ending Location: Ocala, FL
Miles Today: 392
Trip Miles: 5692
States Visited: 23
Provinces Visited: 3
Low Temp: 77 degrees
High Temp: 97 degrees
Min Elevation: -36'
Max Elevation: 1150'

Route Map:

It is tough to get started this morning. We wake to abeautiful morning and enjoy breakfast out on the deck. It's so peaceful it would be easy to just sit and enjoy the morning, but the journey must continue. We pack up and say our goodbyes. We had a great visit and it's too bad Tim couldn't have enjoyed it as well. Barbara took a picture of us parked on the street as we are ready to leave. If you have ever been to their house, you know why we parked on the street. The drive is steeper than it looks.

We get on I-75 and head into Atlanta. We see more police cars this morning than we have seen the whole trip. I am sure they are out there to keep us safe. We go by Turner Field but the side of the stadium facing the freeway is not very picturesque.

We are taking I-75 all day today, first through Georgia and then into Florida. There really isn't another good choice. Hopefully, tomorrow we will get on a secondary road. I am getting a little bored taking pictures of the road and scenery as after awhile they all look the same. So today I focus on billboards. Being in the South, I expected to see some religious signs and we did. However, I was not expecting these. We have both the censored and uncensored version. They were everywhere. Just for the record, we did not exit.

The further south we went, the warmer it got. After lunch, it was over 90 degrees and the leather jackets have to go. I cannot believe that we have been able to keep them on until now. At one point we have about 3 minutes of rain and the temperature dropped 8 degrees. It really felt good.

We couldn't decide exactly how far we wanted to go today, but decide on Ocala. What a great decision. As we are unloading the bike at the motel, it starts raining. Now we just have to figure out what to do about dinner.

We have already gotten 3 responses to our posting from yesterday about the ivy-looking plant that was covering trees, bushes, and everything else along the side of the road on our way to Atlanta. The plant is Kudzu and is normally native to Japan and China. It was apparently introduced to help control erosion and, in many cases, has gotten out of hand. Thanks Mary Anne, Nancy, and Carol. It seems someone really has been reading our site. Sometime in the next couple of days, we will post the site statistics for August - number of hits, etc.

By the way it, did finally stop raining and we found a Denny's just down the street.
